The Inn at Onancock ‘sup SUP – The Inn at Onancock

‘sup SUP

March 6, 2017
Quite a few years ago, Kim stepped onto her first SUP (stand up paddleboard) and gleefully maneuvered through lakes and rivers alike. She simply loves being on the water. Whether paddling, rowing, sailing, or power boating, any photo of Kim experiencing water life shows her smile wide and true. We have hilarious stories of a teenage son and his experience with paddle boarding with mom and greenheads in the same outing. It has become a pastime that brings joy and a little exercise during times of hard work and pressure. It was seeing and knowing this that prompted me to surprise Kim with a new SUP.
Kim grew up in the water of the gulf coast of Florida, where I grew up in the inner city of Rochester, NY. She practically has gills and I really and truly dislike being in the water. All this to say that I know nothing or less about life on the water or paddle boards.
Knowing this little about anything is a problem for me, so the research began.
Working with the end in mind, I know that Kim is going to want stability as she paddles, and even more so when our new puppy arrives in late August, as she is committed to training him to be her paddle board buddy. Full grown, Dante will range near 115 pounds, so stability weight capacity is also important. We live on a creek off the Chesapeake Bay, which will give her placid waters as well as choppy seas when she navigates onto the bay.
My criteria for the SUP are stability for calm and bumpy water, weight capacity for Kim and the dog, and light enough that she can put it on and off the car (or carry it to the launch in a pinch).
Next…follow my shopping experience…

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