The Inn at Onancock Thank you, Pastor – The Inn at Onancock

Thank you, Pastor

I had such a nice gift over these last few days! Let me back up a few steps to set the stage.

I am a person of deep faith and my church family has been a very important part of my life for the last few decades. I also have a colorful story that has allowed me to grow in wisdom and loving acceptance. That to say, I do not proselytize and I never judge, but I don’t keep my faith a secret either.
Immediately prior to our decision to make our life change, I bought Kim a book called Present Over Perfect. A quote in the front of this book was written for me – the rest of the book spoke powerfully to Kim; we highly recommend it. My quote is from St. Benedict,

“Let all guests who arrive be received like Christ.”

My humanity gets in the way of achieving this every time, but that is the target at which I aim! The teachers who modeled this ability for me are my pastors. Through all of life’s joys and challenges, my pastors welcomed me and walked with me. My pastors are very important to me.

I have had the pleasure of serving with dozens who answer the call to full-time ministry and I saw two common attributes in nearly all of them; 1) these people truly have 24/7 jobs, they cannot have a bad day, and 2) they are under incredible and constant scrutiny in their professional and personal lives.

To honor their tireless work- which most often comes at a shamefully low salary – we offer all full-time ministers (of any faith or denomination) a 50% discount on room rates Monday through Thursday.

There is no possible way I could fully thank the pastors in my life story. Recently, my story includes this inn and the blessings that accompany it. We have agreed that it would not have happened had God not used these pastors.

So, our invitation to all who serve in this way, come to the inn – accept this gift from us – and just be together: no ministering other than in your marriage, no scrutiny of any kind. Just be.

We were able to share this gift with a guest over the last few days. They did not know the discount existed, so it was a special treat to make it a surprise. This inn is a blessing to us and we want to use it to bless others; this is one small way we do that.

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