The Inn at Onancock The most interesting and eclectic guests – The Inn at Onancock

The most interesting and eclectic guests

We have had the opportunity to meet some of the most interesting people! When we first moved to Onancock, we learned that no one really cares what you do professionally. That was a big shift from our former lives in Boston where, “What do you do?” what the ice-breaking question in almost any event. Here that question is more likely replaced with, “What are you interested in?”

The conversations that questions generate and the people we have met span nearly every imaginable subject. Examples include a male-to-female transition plastic surgeon who develops essential oil bug repellant as a hobby. Hard not to lean forward and listen for hours. We have hosted professors at the War College who visit and care for U.S. war monuments around the world while teaching leadership lessons from the battles that took place so many years before. We meet Pastors who get a much-needed break to come and just “be” with the person God created for them. We meet beach-walkers looking for glass and arrowheads and photographers who capture the nature found is one of the busiest migratory channels for hundreds of species. On and on that list goes.
Every person we have spoken with has something he or she is interested in and we never would have learned about it or them if we did not create the environment to sit, relax, and share with one another.

If you wonder why we still have Wine Down Hour when so many other B&B’s discontinue this offering, this is why – we generally love hearing the stories, and learning.
What are you interested in? Come and experience it and share it with us!

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